Résumés provide a snapshot into your education, experiences, and skills. It is used by employers to evaluate your impact in previous roles you’ve had. It is a formal, accomplishments driven document that provides an opportunity to clearly communicate the value you would bring to an organization.
Use our Kogod branded templates and instructions to create a résumé that will make a lasting impression. We also recommend that you take advantage of VMock, a software platform that provides personalized résumé feedback on presentation, impact, and competencies.
Cover Letters
Cover letters are your opportunity to sell your skills as they relate to the specific job qualifications.
Cover letters should be specific to each company/position and help the employer understand your intent, qualifications, and fit as it relates to the job opening. You’ll want to explain your experiences and skills that directly relate to the role and explain why you specifically want to work at this company.
A thoughtful cover letter connects your experiences and values with that of the company and provides a narrative complement to your résumé that has the potential to emotionally engage with an employer. Our Kogod cover letter templates provide a strong format and ensure you address the required skills for the position.